Jennie delle Blackpink rilascia il nuovo brano”You & Me”
Per festeggiare la fine del "Born Pink World Tour" è stato rilasciato "You&Me" il nuovo singolo di Jennie delle Blackpink

Di recente si è concluso il “Born Pink World Tour” delle Blackpink– la girlband più di successo dell’ultimo decennio, iniziato a Seul il 15 ottobre 2022 e conclusosi quasi a un anno di distanza ( 17 settembre 2023) sempre a Seul, per un totale di 66 date tra l’Asia, America del Nord, Oceania e l’Europa. Per questo motivo la YG Entertainment, la società che si occupa della direzione delle Blackpink, ha deciso di omaggiare i fan da tutto il mondo con il rilascio del nuovo singolo di Jennie “You & Me”, in uscita oggi.
Il brano è stato presentato durante il “Born Pink Wold Tour” e rilasciato in due versioni:
- la versione originale, che è possibile ascoltare a questo link
- la Coachella version, disponibile qui, che include anche una parte rap di Jennie e, come lascia intuire il titolo, è stata presentato al Coachella di quest’anno quando le Blackpink erano presenti in qualità di headliner.
You know I gotcha
You know that I got you like that
Ain’t nobody gonna have your back
like the way I do
You love it just say you do
You know you got me
Everything you do
Everything you did
Everything I wish I was with
Makes me feel alright
I’m just saying so
I really like it
Nothing in the world can make me feel the way you do the things you do
I really like it
Nothing in the world can make me feel the way you do the things you do
I love you and me
Dancing in the moonlight
Nobody can see
It’s just you and me tonight
I love you and me
Dancing in the moonlight
Nobody can see
It’s just you and me tonight
Look at you now look at me
How you ever ever gonna find someone like this
Look at you now look at me
How you ever ever gonna find someone like this
You’re the reason my heart skips drops
Just a little touch my world stops
Finally I know that you’re mine
I don’t want to fall
Don’t wanna play this game of love oh eh oh
There’s nowhere to hide
I really like it
Nothing in the world can make me feel the way you do the things you do
I really like it
Nothing in the world can make me feel the way you do the things you do
I love you and me
Dancing in the moonlight
Nobody can see
It’s just you and me tonight
I love you and me
Dancing in the moonlight
Nobody can see
It’s just you and me tonight
Look at you now look at me
How you ever ever gonna find someone like this
Look at you now look at me
How you ever ever gonna find someone like this
I don’t care about your first love,
This should be your last one
Nothin’ like your last one
You look better on me, that’s fashion
Won’t block your shot, lights camera action
Never been a love me or a love me not thing
Every petal better tell him better not change
I love you I love me a lot, wait
Which one I love better, better off not saying
I love you and me