Hard Skool: il testo del nuovo singolo dei Guns N’ Roses
E’ uscito il nuovo singolo dei Guns N’ Roses, Hard Skool. Il brano è un pezzo scartato durante la lavorazione dell’album Chinese Democracy
Disponibile da oggi su tutte le piattaforme streaming, il nuovo singolo dei Guns N’ Roses: Hard Skool. Il brano è stato scritto durante il periodo in cui la band stava lavorando all’album “Chinese Democracy“, proprio come avvenne per un’altra a delle ultime canzoni rilasciate dalla band, Absurd. In seguito, sia Absurd che Hard Skool vennero scartate e solo di recente hanno visto la luce. In modo particolare, ne crose degli anni è stato possibile ascoltare diversi spezzoni di Hard Skool, dalla durata di qualche secondo. A dire il vero, molte volte il pezzo venne inserito nelle tracklist dei concerti dei Guns N’ Roses, senza che venisse mai suonata.
Ora, invece, Hard Skool è disponibile per tutti gli ascoltatori nella sua forma ufficiale.
Di seguito, ecco il testo di Hard Skool dei Guns N’ Roses:
All cautions made
Every chance was given
No effort spared
To save what we had
All in good faith
I would not hesitate
To extend myself
And lend you my hand
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway
As tempers fade
And lies forgiven
No cause embraced
Could break what we had
In its place
A storm is lifting
I would’ve thought you could be more of a man
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway
But you had to play it cool, had to do it your way
Had to be a fool, had to throw it all away
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway
Too hard school and you thought you were here to stay
If that were true, it wouldn’t matter anyway